I’m Back


Hello Friends,

It’s been about one year and a day since I’ve written on this blog. Don’t worry, I haven’t been eaten by giant crabs or devoured by a large nile monitor. I’ve been working on multiple projects like usual. I’ve written most of the first draft for toad man and am planning to rewrite it all over again because rewriting a book is fantastic fun. Yes, I really mean that. No, I’m not being sarcastic. They always tell you to not tell your friends about your book ideas because they will find them boring. That is far from the truth for toad man. Whenever I explain its concept to a friend they laugh to the point of pissing themselves. It’s quite impressive. Both my friend and her friends friend were laughing for a solid five minutes from my short monologue about the book. I think it’s a good thing… I think.

My writing technique has evolved. I no longer use those inconvenient and unreliable computers and have turned to writing everything in college ruled notebooks instead. I have roughly three notebooks filled with brainstorming material and one with writing. It’s amazing. It’s glorious. No more freezing computer. No more headaches. No more spellcheck. No more legible writing. Writing has become an incoherent hell house of nonexistent sentences and pseudo letters and I love it. Fuck computers, I’m better than you!

I’ve gone through at least a half dozen pens in the span of three weeks. I’ve used them up writing random scenes for yet another novel whose concept is much harder to explain and explaining it would probably cause more confusion. I’ll try to make an attempt, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Try to picture an unholy combination of a music fiction novel and Sam Hyde skits. It doesn’t make much sense, but for now that’s okay. I’m not sure if I’ll ever publish it as it’s questionable content would probably blacklist me from any publishing house for eternity. With that being said, I find writing it to be enjoyable. For anyone a little shy about writing more controversial subject matter on their page, this is my tip for you. Just think about the most horrendous crap imaginable and write it down without apology for hours at a time or just read a dozen really disturbing transgressive fiction novels. You’ll soon become less squeamish about stuff and become the chad writer you were born to be…or at least a more risk taking one.

I’m planning on writing the second draft of toad man by hand. Despite its shortcomings, it has done wonders for encouraging me to write longer and with more creativity. I’ll eventually revert back to typing, but rough draft material can stay messy for now. Maybe if I’m feeling pretentious enough, I’ll do a Stephen King and just write all of my manuscripts on a typewriter. I don’t know if I’d actually go through with that if I had the choice. Typewriters are simultaneously satisfying and torturous. They’re those types of old machines that are fun to try out for a few minutes because of the cool clicks they make when you press the buttons, but if you decide to use it for longer than that, you end up wanting to smash it against the wall.

That’s all for today. Good to be back.



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